Wednesday 14 September 2016

1. Before you start reading, what is your prediction about what the tools for young Change Makers might be?
hand and your head .
2. What are some of the worlds problems/issues spoken of very early on in the speech?
there not being anif green in the wold and there are not anif wather in sothe aifer so they did dis to give them all the waerhter they could and I thing if I can rember they sevea up 155.000 g 
3. Service is one of the Badges in the Gold Awards and Honours Badges. What are some aspects of
 service you have heard other people being involved with in Ms Beaumont's presentations at assembly?
they had to give them all the wather that they coud 

4. If young people are provided the tools and resources they can lead positive community change. Do
 you agree or disagree with this statement? Why/why not
all you need to do is clen up your mest and there will marke a caned 
5. What are the current environment issues in Hawke's Bay you can think of?
the hasting distre cansli are doing all they can to gep are trows clan and nis 

6. "Instead of asking why, young people ask why not?" Can you think of a situation or scenario where this has been true for you?
becues if a youg kind becomes a change maker they will still thier to help the ploelp that need help 

7. Empowerment is one of the biggest tools young people need. Explain what this concept means.
your head and hand and sometime goolge . 

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