Tuesday 13 December 2016

summer wonderland Wine glasses ting are you listening , sunburn sting , Orchards glistening . What a beautiful sight of crayfish alright. Strolling through a hawkes bay Wonderland.

Monday 28 November 2016

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Tech Challenge Relfection

1. This challenge was about team work and making a xmas tree.
2. Aspects we were being judged on were our design, teamwork and aesthetically appealing it was.
3. My team members included Fraser, Cody, Eden, Shyanne and a Room 9 girl.
4. The strength of our team was team work. We worked well together.
5.  Overall results ad what I would do next time... I wouldn't build it the same way next time. I would  build it the same way as Blake's group. 

HNI Athletics Reflection

I want to do better in long jump next year. I was really happy with my 200m and my sprints.  I could improve in my discus and shotput.

Wai Care - Week 5

A Picture Says A Thousand Words

my water poem


Tuesday 15 November 2016

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AAxYAjJYtWgYfVeZ_e_jvU6eWeJ7hg8vroXQN4KTbBw/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000 A Picture Says A Thousand Words
https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1l2X0_pOGpvtsMN9BTG3Ol6_GT1NGnkNkH2vAZUClPh4/edit Week six Problem Solving

Tuesday 8 November 2016

https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1qJxMSQ8SYeKoKEn1xolRa1cmja59WE3QxJwgumFkOCA/edit Week 5 problem solving

Tuesday 1 November 2016

https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1CgBp2jkX5i4Tjdo00-tPW4lVOzXz2b6SGYaddilJfj8/edit week 3 problem solving .

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Social night was the best dancing all the food and all of your friend having a great time and all of the but best bart was the food .

Wednesday 14 September 2016

1. Before you start reading, what is your prediction about what the tools for young Change Makers might be?
hand and your head .
2. What are some of the worlds problems/issues spoken of very early on in the speech?
there not being anif green in the wold and there are not anif wather in sothe aifer so they did dis to give them all the waerhter they could and I thing if I can rember they sevea up 155.000 g 
3. Service is one of the Badges in the Gold Awards and Honours Badges. What are some aspects of
 service you have heard other people being involved with in Ms Beaumont's presentations at assembly?
they had to give them all the wather that they coud 

4. If young people are provided the tools and resources they can lead positive community change. Do
 you agree or disagree with this statement? Why/why not
all you need to do is clen up your mest and there will marke a caned 
5. What are the current environment issues in Hawke's Bay you can think of?
the hasting distre cansli are doing all they can to gep are trows clan and nis 

6. "Instead of asking why, young people ask why not?" Can you think of a situation or scenario where this has been true for you?
becues if a youg kind becomes a change maker they will still thier to help the ploelp that need help 

7. Empowerment is one of the biggest tools young people need. Explain what this concept means.
your head and hand and sometime goolge . 

Tuesday 6 September 2016

1.What is one reason Matt Whittle is even more of an outstanding Good Sort?
He was not just do it for the money he was just doing it for the can of food to donet to the food bunks 
2. Where are the proceeds that he raises going to?
to the food bunk and some ploele that are home less and to some that like bakbees 
3. How has his Dad been a supporter of his work?
by leting him do it in his shed and that how he helping him
4. Where are the cans going?
the food bunk and some ploelet 
5. What do you think the community feel about Matt's work?
that he is doing it to sow that one can of food can help somay ploele 
6. If you could tell Matt one sentence, what would it be?
that you are doing a grat job and that you are doing it for ploele that need food 

Thursday 1 September 2016

                                                                           A giril eating a deer heart that cool and she is eithg year old that so cool and . Shooting a deer at eithg      year I shot my frist deer at 10 yaer but it sos that you dont need to be a boy to go hunting that she like being out in the wild and and that all the gire that want to go hunting or starte hunting dont be sked if a eithe year old girel can go hunting you can to and why wold it go wold wied it not that mist of a big dill is it saw that that you dont need to be a boy to go hunting my sis is 6 and she shot her frist deer when she was 4 so and that is
4 year yuer then eithg so gerls hunting is no mist of a drifs then boy hunting is it .    

Thursday 25 August 2016

S.P.C.A Flyer

This is what Room 12 has been doing for the last few days to raise their profile to help the animals at the S.P.C.A.

Olympic art


Humpty Dumpty sat on a car
Humpty Dumpty had great car cash
ALl the KIng zebras and all the King old men
couldn't put Humpty back together again .  

A learning goal for some people in Room 12 is to choose the best possible word when they are writing.  If you are deliberate with your word choice, your sentences will have more impact and will hook/entice your audience.  A handy trick is to know about synonyms and how to access them on the computer.  When the cursor is flashing in the middle of a word and you right mouse click, a list of options come up that mean exactly the same as the word you have clicked on.  You are going to turn an old fashioned Nursery Rhyme into a more sophisticated version.  Read my one as an example and then get about being creative. Use either google docs or google drawing. Add a border, picture and colour so it is ready to print.

Thursday 28 July 2016

It was bety cool that the coke mack a faning coke when mento .

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Leaf Art

 As it is Autumn, we thought we would use some of the leaves, sticks and other natural products found on the ground to create some leaf animals.  First we decided on our animal or mythical creature, then we planned out the leaves we would need to create our artwork.  Once we collected our leaves we glued them on to the paper (some required hot glue guns) and then presented our art.